Finding Our Main Thing

Posted on by Radiant Life Center

"The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing" Steven Covey

We have just returned from our couple's retreat , "To Love and Be Loved" that we hold several times a year at the Wayfarer Resort along the McKenzie River in Oregon.  That Steven Covey quote captures the essence of what we do at the retreat.  When couples come to our retreat, they are deciding that the main thing is to keep the main thing (their relationship) the main thing (of utmost importance in their life).  

We all begin relationship will a pretty clear idea of what the main thing is.  We fall in love, we want to be with that person all the time, we give time and attention to the other and feel them as our Beloved.  Over time we can loose sight of the main thing.  Work, children, social activities, (all important too) can become our main focus and we forget what we felt in the beginning of relationship.  We forget how important it is to really cherish our partner and nurture what is between us.  

Time away, dates, regular connection, daily hugs, regular love making .... all of these things help a couple to keep the main thing the main thing.  Our couple's retreat gives people the gift of bringing their focus to their relationship for an entire weekend.  We see the results of that kind of time and attention devoted to tending the beautiful garden of partnership.  Our couples smile and glow at the end of our weekends.  They get clear on what the main thing is!

Increasingly couples from all over the Northwest are joining us for our couple's retreats.  Join us for our next one.  Contact us for more info or visit our retreat page -
To Love and Be Loved.